Which of These Legal Principles Derived from Equity

The applicant`s personal debts do not weigh on the fruits, but only on the applicant`s heirs personally; and therefore, the pre∣existing means here omits to make the tenant in the queue liable in order to free the heirs from the current interest; And the question is whether there is another medium that subjects it to the common law. We must separate the distribution of burdens between the heir and the executor from this issue. If a tenant leaves personal property in line, he will undoubtedly be burdened at common law with arrears of interest and any movable amounts, principal or interest. Let us suppose that there is no more movable property and that the tenant dies, leaving page 93 a property of his own, which passes to another line of heirs who do not represent the plaintiff: in this case, the arrears of interest arising from the debts of the applicant ∣must remain with the principal a debt on the joint estate under the ordinary law; unless it can be established that the tenant was obliged to release the heirs from these arrears, in which case the arrears will constitute a burden on his own estate. Aequitas Sequitur Legem: According to this principle, equity will not allow remedies that are not specified or that deviate from the specific law. Fairness is not a substitute for the law; It has to be part of the law. In the event that the law is not applicable, this legal norm is limited as it applies to existing laws. In Earls of Oxford (1615) 21 ER 485, the Court of Honour held that where there is confusion between the rule of law and equity, the law of equity will prevail. The rules of justice must be the same in all countries where the law is cultivated. According to English practice*, ▪ if creditors 90 take away the personal property, the property is invoiced for the payment of the bequests. In this case, the legatees do not need an assignment to establish their equitable claim against the heir who inherits the property. When the discharge of the principal debt is granted, accessory means the tacit will of the person granting the debt forgiveness. For example, an officer hired to conduct a trial gives a report without an article for his pain.

He receives the payment of the amount on the account and grants the full discharge, without reservation of a claim to his pain. In the context of this discharge, the above requirement is considered either to have been fulfilled or to have been fulfilled in some other way. An implicit exemption is extended to an even more difficult case: an extract from a decree implies the transfer of any claim to legal costs, however contentious the antagonist may have been; for no reasonable person will withdraw his judgment if he intends to claim the costs of the litigation. Vigilantilus non dormient bus aequitas subvenit: This maxim states that a person with undue delay is not entitled to equity. According to this principle, justice generally helps working people. Laches represents an unreasonable delay in filing a lawsuit for a particular claim. If there are gaps in a case, it will result in the dismissal of those claims. In some cases, there may be situations where the law expressly provides for the time limit. The party is then prohibited from filing such an action. This rule of laughter and reasonable time was first introduced in Chief Young Dede vs. African Association Limited [1914] UKPC 23 Bailii.

One thing is certain, and that is that there would be no hesitation in doing justice to this case before the English Court of Chancery. This ex ∣ court extends its power much further; In fact, further than just. A foreigner, for example, who acquires a previous office, may not receive more from the other holders than the sum he has actually paid*: and to justify this extraordinary opinion, it is said that equity looks at what should have been done: it leads to a legal phenomenon, to a just conversion and to actions that have been made, before it happens. According to this principle, the court assumes that the act took place or should have occurred before the event if a person is obliged to act under the law or an agreement of legal significance. I must say historically that there are many decisions of the Court of Session that state that the creditor is not obliged ∣ grant the first assignment mentioned. These decisions, which are far in time, will not receive much attention; For the rules of justice were once more obscure than they are today. And there is an additional reason not to ignore them, that they disagree with others who ∣ relate to the same subject. If, as a general rule, it is stipulated that the creditor is not obliged to assign his attachment and enforcement, however advantageous it may be, such an assignment may be to the extent that it voluntarily procures enforcement for the debtor of the ∣∣advance payment; It follows that he is also not obliged to provide a separate guarantee: if it is not his duty to serve the admonition in one case, it cannot be his duty to serve it in the other. And yet, it is a rule established by this court that the ∣debtor who pays the debt is entitled to every ∣ security held by the creditor. We are not left out to discover the cause of this discrepancy: if it is a separate title, on which the relief of the alarm may depend entirely, the principle of equity makes a strong impression: its impression is less so if it is only the granting of the bond, which has no other effect than to save a formal process.

Maitland says, “We should not regard common law and justice as two rival systems.” [22] “Justice was not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. Every joke and title of the law should be followed, but if all this had been done, something else might be needed, something that would require justice. [23] The goal of law and justice was the same, but for historical reasons they chose a different path. Fairness respects every word of the law and every right before the law, but if the law was imperfect, fairness in these cases provides fair rights and remedies. The disposition of an annuity referred only to the right in rem and omitted a personal obligation on the part of the debtor to pay the debt. The court, which held that the ∣ parties had intended to place the assignor in the assignor`s place, without favouring the debtor, brought a personal action against the debtor at the instigation of the assignor in order to carry out this will. In the context of a reduction of the ex capita suspension at the instigation of the assignee of a loan on which a stay had been exercised, the court confirmed the assignment as a title, although it did not mention the suspension or had a general clause that could have understood it. However, the assignor intended to put the assignee in its place without exonerating ∣ debtor; And that`s why his willingness to transmit inhibition with guilt was † implicit. The only scruple here is the mediation of a personal inhibition or obligation∣ without documentation.